Once Bitcoin Is Cracked, It’s Worthless

Written By Luke Sweeney

Posted November 1, 2021

The world is currently locked in an arms race that could rival the nuclear race of the 1950s. And it’s happening noiselessly, hidden inside laboratories around the world. 

Nearly every country is funding it but not exactly for the reasons they might say. Some might claim it’s for “the good of mankind” or the “steady progress of technology.” 


If you want the truth, I think they’re afraid of not building it first.

It’s the same bone-chilling fear that gripped the world during the early days of nuclear bomb development: the fear of knowing your enemy might have already beaten you to the punch. 

The cost of losing this race probably won’t end in nuclear annihilation. But at the end of the day, it’s equally capable of bringing the world to its knees. 

Imagine if even the most powerful data encryption could be decoded in mere minutes. All the world’s important information, from medical records to missile launch codes, would be free for the taking.

Banks would have virtually no defense. They might as well throw open their vault doors and let people help themselves. 

Since cryptocurrency is based entirely on unhackable programming, it would be one of the first to fall. The entire $2 trillion market would become worthless overnight. 


The only solution? We need to win another high-stakes arms race against a seedy underworld of cyber terrorists. 

This time, we need to win the quantum computing arms race.

After All, It’s the Only Way to Crack Crypto

Modern encryption makes it all but impossible to hack into any cryptocurrency, unless you have a few trillion years to sit around and wait. 

But the top computer scientists in the world will all tell you one thing: No code is truly uncrackable. 

At its core, all encryption does is make it too difficult for a hacker to bother with. 

Thanks to a complex math equation, the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) we currently use would take the combined power of every computer, smartphone, and calculator on Earth trillions of years to break. 


Statistically speaking, you’re far more likely to fall victim to an email scam or misplace a Post-it with your password written on it.

At least, that’s the case right now. 

Classical computers have come a long way, but they’re still inefficient by nature. They are forced to convert all data to the only language they understand: binary code. 

Running all those 1’s and 0’s line by line eats up precious time and energy, resulting in slower processing speeds. 

Quantum computers rely on a quirk of physics known as “quantum superposition.” Instead of being limited to 0’s and 1’s, a quantum system can work with any of the infinite numbers in between 0 and 1.


Ignoring those pesky laws of physics speeds up the process. Instead of running code line by line, quantum computers can process all of it at the same exact time.

Google claims its newest breakthrough in the field is more than 150 million times faster than the world’s most powerful supercomputer

In a recent test, it blasted through a challenge calculation in less than four minutes. Its supercomputer competitor would have taken more than 10,000 years. 

A machine this powerful would make short work of Bitcoin’s encryption. And in an instant, the entire crypto economy would crumble. 

Somewhere down the road, this technology went from a science quirk to a matter of national security — and the race to master it is starting to get desperate. 

This Time, the Race Is Winner-Take-All

It’s no exaggeration to say that data controls our world; it’s the proverbial gold from which the rulemakers derive their power. 

Right now, farming your data has become an entire industry… yet you aren’t seeing a single penny of it. 

You can bet that companies in every sector are willing to pay through the nose for the right information. But whether we can keep up with an endless tsunami of data is another story. 

Experts predict our total data usage will swell to 175 zettabytes by 2025. That’s 17521, or 175,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes. 


That’s a tall order for today’s computers, but it’s a light day’s work for the type of technology in development right now. And so far, only one obscure company seems capable of rising to the challenge. 

This soon-to-be-crowned “quantum computer king” will have its pick of the litter in a market that is expected to hit $1 trillion within 10 years or less. 

Currently, it is priced dirt cheap in comparison with its competitors. But as soon as the investing community catches on, that pricing will skyrocket. 

I managed to sneak a peek at Keith Kohl’s upcoming research, and it blew my mind. I had obviously heard the buzz around quantum computing, but I never expected to see how close it is to reality. 

Mark my words, this could be the last opportunity for early investors to score an open seat on the quantum computing bandwagon. 

This Thursday, Keith will be releasing his long-awaited presentation. I highly recommend checking it out as early as possible. 

The next time you hear about quantum computing, it will be coming straight from the mainstream media. 

And by then, it will already be too late. 

To your wealth,

Luke Sweeney
Contributor, Energy and Capital

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Luke’s technical know-how combined with an insatiable scientific curiosity has helped uncover some of our most promising leads in the tech sector. He has a knack for breaking down complicated scientific concepts into an easy-to-digest format, while still keeping a sharp focus on the core information. His role at Angel is simple: transform piles of obscure data into profitable investment leads. When following our recommendations, rest assured that a truly exhaustive amount of research goes on behind the scenes..

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